Monday 15 July 2013

Getting fat made easy quick weight gain

Will waxing fat made easy for beginners
Grow properly and are beautifully bold - this is not as easy as some might believe. Anyone who has ever really tried zuzulegen as many kilos in a short time, will notice that you have been properly eat a lot and make an effort to bring this successful.

Warning: The following advice is directed only at persons who have problems with
have the waxing and are also really sure that they are thicker
want. You are of course not very healthy and in no way suitable for
Children or adolescents.

 Here are some tips to become fat ...

Eat as calorie-and fat-rich
Fat and high-calorie food is always favorable for the rise of course.
Especially recommended: Hamburger, french fries, pizza, pasta with bacon, steak, meatloaf, fried chicken, potato flour and all kinds of food, potato chips, chocolate, cake, pie, ice cream, etc.
Short intervals between meals
Usually requires 4 to 5 hours after eating the "weight loss" phase one.
After this time, the body has digested the food and then starts to burn the body's own fat. We of course want to avoid. Therefore: Not too much time can elapse between meals and in between always eat something, because we want to be pretty bold.
In the evening eat plenty
The human body tends to break down fat cells in your sleep. This can be
stop by and have dinner before going to bed to be plenty of food and snacks nimmt.Süßwaren always ready to hold chips, chocolate, cakes, etc. always within reach. The bacon is tempted to snack on and on.
Cook large portions
You should always cook large servings as possible. The more food on the plate is, the more you will be encouraged to eat.
Do not forget Sugary drinks
Drink a lot of cola and lemonade. Even orange juice or apple juice contain a lot of fructose. In addition, whole milk is recommended with high fat content.
Who wants can also rely on special weight gain drinks, as of
Bodybuilders are often used.
Note calorie consumption
Our body has a certain energy or calories, to maintain the vital functions of the body upright (BMR). The heavier you are, the more calories the body. That is, you have to eat accordingly speak more if you want to continue to increase. A heavy body has a higher basal metabolic rate and consume more energy.
Reduce movement and sport
This avoids unnecessary calories burned and more fat it can be built.
Take advantage of yo-yo effect
If you regularly eat very much for a long time, your body will eventually adapt to the larger amounts and metabolism "boot up", thereby consuming more energy and less fat fix. To avoid this problem,
there is a trick. A diet. Due to the lower supply of food, the metabolism is slowed down and only consumes little power. Then suddenly you eat significantly more, the body can not consume this unexpected oversupply and fat reserves are created.
Are all these instructions noted a successful waxing is nothing
in the way. Have fun becoming fat!

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